Our parish is named after the apparitions of Our Blessed Mother to St. Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes France in 1854. The shrine of Lourdes is known for its curative powers. Over five million people visit Lourdes each year. Our parish celebrates its birthday each year with Heritage Sunday in October.
Our Lady of Lourdes Parish began Easter Sunday, April 17, 1927. The first Mass was celebrated by Father Francis Biendl (1927-1932) in Dr. Charles Murray’s home located near the site of the present church. Six months later the white frame building was completed as the first church.
Archbishop John T. McNicholas was the spiritual leader of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati at that time. Rapid growth followed. Shortly after the frame church came another frame building was erected to serve as OLL School.
Our first festival was held in 1928. Energetic Father George Grunkemeyer (1932-1945) was OLL’s second pastor. He was succeeded by Father George Lamott (1945-1971).
Under Fr. Lamott, there was more growth in the post-World War II era.
We have much to be thankful for here at OLL. God has been very good to us and blessed us with many gifts of His love. May our Blessed Mother continue to watch over us and keep us close to Jesus.